Friday, August 15, 2008

Southwest Iceland

Yesterday was a lovely day in Reykjavik, Iceland. There's too much to describe here in a quick post, but here are pictures of two highlights. The top picture is Strokkur geyser. It's in the same geyser field as Geysir, after which all other geysers take their names. Geysir doesn't erupt anymore, but Strokkur erupts every 5 minutes or so. Even after standing there and watching a couple eruptions, even when you expect that it's going to happen, the sudden rush of water is startling.

The bottom picture is from Þingvellir national park. There's a striking rock wall, alongside of which the medieval Icelandic political assembly met. Þingvellir is situated in one of the places where the American and Eurasian plates meet, which accounts for its interesting geography. As our guide demonstrated, the rocky cliffs made for excellent acoustics, which made this a great choice for an assembly location.

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